Regulatory Science Ltd, Largs Yacht Haven, Irvine Road, Largs, KA30 8EZ

Team Member

Dr Paul Fowler

Consultant - Genetic Toxicology
About Paul

Paul graduated with a first-class honours degree in biological sciences in 2000 and went on to complete a PhD in the late Jim Parry’s lab at Swansea University studying the biological relevance of clastogenic chemicals with differing mutational profiles. After a post doc at the Radiation Protection Board investigating accumulation of chromosome damage from chemical agents and radiation he moved to Covance as a Study Director responsible for many types of genotoxicity assays. During this time he also managed a 3 year research project conducted on behalf of Cosmetics Europe (then COLIPA) investigating the incidence of false positives in in vitro genetic toxicity assays. His last corporate position was within Unilever’s Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre (SEAC) responsible for the strategy and conduct of genetic toxicity assays and designing bespoke solutions to complex toxicological problems (Mechanistic Safety Science).

Paul also has extensive in vitro toxicology experience, having led a successful project designing in vitro methods for predicting early changes in the human lung indicative of fibrosis as well as shaping the strategy for use of 3D organotypic biological modes (lung, liver, kidney, cardiac and neuronal).

Over his career in toxicology Paul has worked on a diverse variety of materials from pharmaceuticals and cosmetic ingredients to complex botanical extracts, novel foods, tobacco and airborne particulates.

Paul is a UK and European registered toxicologist, has served on various scientific and industry platforms including IGG (secretary 2012-2014, Chair from 2019), EEMS (secretary 2009-2011 and 2019-2022) UKEMS (committee member from 2017) IVTS and Cosmetics Europe.
Paul Is a member of the UK Government’s Committee on Mutagenicity of chemicals in food, consumer products and the environment (COM)