Claire Grant MSc
Consultant Toxicologist
About Claire
Claire is a driven and enthusiastic regulatory and investigative scientist with over 15 years of GLP experience within leading, global life science companies. Recognised for expertise in toxicology, endocrine disruption, safety pharmacology and study management. Claire started her career in industry in 2003 at Syngenta Central Toxicology Laboratory (CTL) Alderley Park acting as a Biology Research Specialist and Multidisciplinary Study Director, responsible for designing, conducting, analysing and reporting a range of safety assessment studies to GLP. In 2007, Claire joined the Safety Pharmacology section within AstraZeneca and has extensive experience in the design, conduct and reporting of preclinical regulatory safety pharmacology packages and overseeing the inclusion of safety pharmacology endpoints to repeat dose toxicology studies. The role included the outsourcing and study monitoring of preclinical studies. The role also included contributing to the preparation of high-level summaries and submission documents, presenting at external meetings and authoring method development papers and reviews. In 2014, Claire moved to an investigative toxicology Study Director role, leading a team of over 10 individuals, responsible for designing bespoke toxicology studies to address specific concerns within projects.
Claire joined RSA in 2018 and has spent her time supporting a range of projects providing study management and toxicological advice to support active substance approvals, product registrations and regulatory compliance. Claire has mainly focussed on conducting endocrine disruption weight of evidence assessments according to the EFSA/EHA 2018 guidance. To support these assessments, Claire has monitored studies, prepared mode of action analysis and designed testing strategies to address potential concerns.