With a proven track record and long history of working in agrochemical safety and registration, RSA provides expert advice and support in gaining and maintaining approvals through bespoke science and regulatory expertise.
RSA can provide a tailored service for the client; from consultation on a specific technical issue to managing a programme of activities to support active ingredient or product registrations.

Technical Services
- General toxicology
- Specialist toxicology*
- Carcinogenicity
- Endocrine disruptor potential
- Dermal Absorption
- Metabolism and kinetics
- QSAR Evaluation
- Pathology
- Operator exposure
- Consumer exposure
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Environmental fate
- Analytical methods

Regulatory Affairs
- Regulatory Strategy
- Project Management
- Advocacy

Dossier preparation
- Data gap analysis
- Risk Assessment
- Study summaries

Study Management
- Study design
- Study monitoring
- CRO liaison
*Specialist toxicology areas includes genetic toxicology, weights of evidence assessment, mechanistic toxicology, inhalation toxicology, reproductive and developmental toxicology, neurotoxicology. Our expertise also include environmental metabolite assessment, understanding the mode of action and relevance to humans as well as field experience for operator, worker, bystander and resident studies.