Dr David Andrew
Technical Director
About David
David is a highly experienced, board certified (DABT) EU regulatory toxicologist with extensive experience in the areas of plant protection, biocides, general chemicals and cosmetic products, gained over 23 years in senior roles in government and consultancy. His experience includes the assessment of data completeness, advice on waivers and testing strategies, dossier preparation and submission, expert witness statements and client representation, classification and labelling, IUCLID, REACH dossier preparation, and cosmetic safety assessment. He has a long-standing interest in the use of non-testing methods, and extensive involvement in the training, development and mentoring of junior colleagues.
David has extensive experience of inputting into regulatory submissions (pesticides, biocides, REACH), endocrine disruption assessments, position papers, advice on data waiving and testing strategies including mechanistic data. His experience of study monitoring includes acute toxicity, genotoxicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, ED, mechanistic and carcinogenicity studies