David R Jones, BSc, MSc, EurBiol, CBiol, FRSB, ERT, FBTS
Consultant, Regulatory Pharmaco-Toxicologist
About David
David is a European Registered Toxicologist and a Fellow of the British Toxicology Society as well as a Chartered Biologist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, who spent 8 years in Contract Toxicology and 11 years as a Toxicologist in the Pharmaceutical Industry. In 1996 he joined the Medicines Control Agency (MCA), the UK’s Regulatory Agency, which subsequently became the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), from which he retired as an Expert Pharmaco-Toxicologist, the most senior nonclinical assessor, at the end of 2021 before joining RSA.
David’s primary role at the MHRA involved assessing nonclinical data for Clinical Trial Authorisation (CTA) Applications and Marketing Authorisation Applications (MAA), both for non-biological and biological products, including advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). He assessed every CTA application related to Covid 19 and peer reviewed a number of vaccine authorisations. David also offered regulatory and scientific advice to companies on behalf of the MHRA as well as assessing a large number of drug-device products.
He represented the UK in the European Safety Working Party for almost 15 years before the UK left the EU and was a member of the Nonclinical Working Group that supported the Paediatric Committee. David also attended several meetings of the Clinical Trials Facilitation Group.
David was the EU Rapporteur in the ICH revision of the M3 Guideline, on the ICH S10 Guideline, on the Q&A document for ICH S3 (Toxicokinetics) guideline and on the ICH S11 (Nonclinical Studies to Support Paediatric Medicine) guideline.
He worked closely with the UK’s National Centre for 3Rs (NC3Rs) and represented the MHRA on a Governmental body dealing with animal welfare.
David has authored and co-authored a number of scientific papers over the years. He is also a guest lecturer at a number of UK and European Universities and a frequent presenter at conferences around the world.