Gill Milburn BSc
Consultant Toxicologist
About Gill
Gill started her toxicology career with ICI/Zeneca/Syngenta Central Toxicology Laboratory (CTL) in 1976 working in inhalation toxicology. She has acted as a Study Reviewer, Study Director, Facility Manager, and Study Monitor in the regulatory toxicology area advising on the design, conduct and interpretation of a diverse range of mammalian toxicology studies for both Syngenta and external clients. Her work has included regulatory and research studies on agrichemicals, industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and food stuffs. She has mentored and trained Study Directors and Study Monitors. Gill has an interest in animal welfare and has been a Project Licence holder and Syngenta representative on NC3Rs/LASA Safety Evaluation Working Group. She was also a member of an ECETOC Task Force reviewing and providing expert comments on the original draft OECD reproductive screening protocols (OECD 421 and 422). Since joining RSA Gill has worked on REACH, CLH and endocrine disruption projects and as a Study Monitor.